воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011
Совершенно неожиданно для меня было увидеть у испанской группы аниматоров такое... необычное видение России.
Более того, это уже вторая их работа, действие которой разворачивается на просторах нашей необъятной.
Описание видеоEliezer S. Yudkowsky* wrote about an experiment which had to do with Artificial Inteligence. In a near future, man will have given birth to machines that are able to rewrite their codes, to improve themselves, and, why not, to dispense with them. This idea sounded a little bit distant to some critic voices, so an experiment was to be done: keep the AI sealed in a box from which it could not get out except by one mean: convincing a human guardian to let it out.
What if, as Yudkowsky states, ‘Humans are not secure’? Could we chess match our best creation to grant our own survival? Would man be humble enough to accept he was superseded, to look for primitive ways to find himself back, to cure himself from a disease that’s on his own genes? How to capture a force we voluntarily set free? What if mankind worst enemy were humans?
In a near future, we will cease to be the dominant race.
In a near future, we will learn to fear what is to come.Keloid Trailer - A Short Film by BLR from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.
Скачать музыку из трейлераПервая короткометражная работа. У меня слов нет, это просто надо
Directed by Carl E. Rinsch, ‘The Gift’ Belongs to the "pararell Lines" Phillips Cinema campaning. Placed in Russia, The Gift is a Sci-Fi short with a savage Chase sequence on it. We made more than 20 full CGI shots for the short. Check out the animated pictures to see how it has been done. We also made the vechicles and some characters desings. We enjoyed creating such an unusual atmosphere and sense. Not the regular Sci-fi film we are used to see...
The Gift from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.
Реклама для NIKEРеклама для NIKE
Directed by Carl Erik Rinsch, Expliot yourself talks about your own limits. The commercial was produced in Big Lazy Robot Visual Effects studio from february to may.
Our wish was to show off the nerve and spark and freshness of the city with the strength and power of modern sport competition, all in a whole 3d environment.
‘Exploit Yourself’ talks about pushing your limits just for the sake of it.
Who said life at the city was placid?
The Runner -Exploit yourself- from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.
твоя белочка!,